Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan (Part 2/2)

When someone conveyed the message that 'Uthman bin 'Affan was martyred in his house after being ...

Philanthropy and Zakat

Purifying our souls from greed and checking our humanity is what giving zakat every year does-c ...

Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan (Part 1/2)

Umm Habibah was so grateful to Allah for the honor bestowed on her by making her one of the Mot ...

Want to Be Closer to Allah, But Don’t Know How!

By Raya Shokatfard        – Freelance Writer – USA In many Islamic circles or prese ...

Who Other Than God?

That space shuttle, with its parts and machines, did not assemble spontaneously; and engines di ...

Hisbah (Islamic Duty of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil)

Hisbah is a broad Qur'anic principle that encompasses both the government's responsibilities as ...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Basketball Player, USA

My choosing Islam was not a political statement; it was a spiritual statement. What I learned ...


Islam, Muslims and the Natural World

Islamic law needs to be applied in environmental cases. For everything ranging from animal righ ...

How Can We Attain Social Justice? (Tell us!)

Do you think there are ways to carry out this mission on earth nowadays and to endeavor spread ...

Islam Encourages Social Justice

I am concerned about the abuse of our environment and exploitation of our natural resources. My ...

A Personal Account of an Ex-Secularist

No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging ...

God Is the Ever-Living (Al-Hayy)

God is the Living who confers life upon others. He creates and sustains all living things in th ...