The Qur’an rhetorically asks the question: “Did the universe come out of nothing?” The answer s ...
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) handled many situations involving the antics and natural t ...
Arabic calligraphy is the central original Islamic art, which our ancestors mastered. They perf ...
Muslims are also commanded to perform da`wah (calling others to Islam). I recall very well that ...
Among the sciences of Hadith is the study of the Chain of Reporters (the Isnaad). Many Muslim s ...
Dhikr or remembrance of God is a way of linking the heart with the Divine. It provides with the ...
Muhammad Asad, Leopold Weiss, was born in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900, and at the age ...
The minimal Muslim claim is that the Qur’an DOES NOT contradict established facts of science or ...
When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with our ...
The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) used to bring the minors to accountability for th ...
No human being can claim to be free from weaknesses and shortcomings. This is the reason why we ...
Some Islamic scholars have said that the complete Qur’an was sent down from the Preserved Table ...