It is at moments such as these that you begin to realize why God ordained Hajj for us at least ...
It is recommended for the Muslim to busy himself with Takbeer till the Imam comes for prayer, b ...
Pilgrims must spare no effort in adhering to these criteria and observances in order to render ...
You are like the bird. The bird does not stand on one branch of a tree all the time waiting for ...
This season of worship brings many benefits, such as the opportunity to correct ones faults and ...
He was the practical example of Islam with all its principles, morals, ethics and all. Through ...
Back in the day, I could do anything I wanted. I was very involved in basically the Hollywood s ...
Allah’s divine love for man is manifested by His divine protection, help, victory, success, sen ...
Yes, indeed, he had the staff. However, his trust was not in the staff; rather, it was in the L ...
Myriam Francois-Cerrah became popular when she was a child for acting in the 90's hit film 'Sen ...
`Eid Al-Fitr is a day that marks the successful completion of the sacred month of Ramadan. It i ...
The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and the compelling atmosphere of its mosques, the ...