Positive Thinking in Islam

A person who always thinks about bad things in his mind and imagines that bad things will happe ...

Can You Imagine the World Without “Repentance”?

Islam cares for disseminating the spirit of hope within the life of the individual and the comm ...

Does God Really Care? (Part 1/2)

Let us reflect on the creation of humans from the womb. From a drop of a man’s sperm entering a ...

Does God Really Care? (Part 2/2)

With His infinite mercy and compassion God has ordained religious duty for mankind with ease. N ...

There Will Come Light

There Will Come Light

How many times have we sat down to count our mistakes and recognized we've sinned so much we ca ...


Allah’s Beautiful Promises to Believers

Allah gives glad tidings of His support and Paradise to believers, and has proclaimed that He w ...