Immune System

The Army Inside Man: The Immune System

The ability of all immunity cells to distinguish enemy cells from body cells, the ability of B ...

blood clotting

An Error-Free System: Blood Clotting

If there is bleeding, the clot should form immediately in order to prevent the creature from dy ...

Nerve Cells

The Domino Sequence of Processes within the Nerve Cells

The way the nerve signal is transmitted along the axon can be compared to the chain reaction th ...


How One Cell Gives Rise to an Entire Body

In three papers online in Science this week, researchers report taking multiple snapshots of ge ...

Red Blood Cells

The Color of Blood: Red Blood Cells

The chemical communication that brings this about is truly staggering to contemplate. Cells com ...


Adaptation to Weather Extremes

Can you imagine the special situation required of our bodies to adapt to extreme changes in wea ...