Feeding the Hungry

Fruits of Feeding the Hungry

Feeding people in general and a hungry person in particular has been explicitly mentioned in th ...


Should We Live and Die with Dignity; Why?

Muslims and their countries are to be turned into the dumping grounds for such people’s cultura ...

Faith is Human Nature: What Does This Really Mean?

When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with our ...

Significance of the Environment in Islam

For the past century and a half, enormous advances have taken place in science and technology t ...

The Creation of Man as Mentioned in the Qur’an‏

Modern science has, by now, explained the entire process of the creation of a human being, down ...


Islam, Muslims and the Natural World

Islamic law needs to be applied in environmental cases. For everything ranging from animal righ ...


Islam and Civilized Societies

There is no correlation between materialistic civilization and elevated human values, i.e. betw ...

The Real Cause of Man’s Distress

Man is suffering because he has adopted a way of life at variance with truth and reality. Unles ...

Relations Between Muslims and Non-Muslims

Allah Almighty does not forbid Muslims from dealing justly with those who do not fight Islam or ...

the Amazon

Burn the Amazon!

The Amazon’s forests are being burned primarily to create more grazing land for cattle, one of ...

We Are All Indigenous

We Are All Indigenous

As the Amazon burns, the face of global ignorance is that of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro ...

Our World is Sinking

Our World is Sinking

It is generally agreed that changes in climate we see today are largely caused by human activit ...