Existence of Allah

Proofs of the Existence of Allah

Humankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Universe ...

Isra’ wal Mi`raj

What Do You Know about Isra’ wal Mi`raj?

The Prophet Muhammad lived in and around the area that is now Saudi Arabia in the years 570 CE ...


Mi`raj: Reviving the Spirit of Hope

The Israa’ and Mi`raj is a momentous occasion that occurred at a very crucial stage in the life ...

`Abdullah Ibn `Umar

`Abdullah Ibn `Umar

`Abdullah ibn `Umar was the son of the second Caliph `Umar ibn Al-Khattab and a brother-in-law ...


Faith in God Free of Idolatry

Muslims, however, firmly believe that everything is created by God, that all affairs are regula ...


Women’s Rights in Islam: Protected Or Subjugated?

Across time the women were ill-treated and were not given their due rights. But then due to the ...

Islam and women

Islam: The Real Emancipator of Women

The Muslim woman was given — more than 1,400 years ago — a role, duties, and rights that most w ...

Muslim women

How Are Muslim Women Perceived in the West?

I’m still dealing with as I’m always repeating that the most important problem for Muslim woman ...

Societal Structure

Reclaiming the Prophetic Societal Structure

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) transformed the lives of generations caught between the ever-changing m ...

Ibn Al-Haytham

Ibn Al-Haytham: The Father of Modern Optics

After failing in his attempt to regulate the flow of the Nile, Ibn Al-Haytham feared that al-Ha ...


What Do You Know About Allah? (Special Folder)

“Allah” is comprised of letters and sounds that are easy for everyone to pronounce. They are an ...

The Scientist and the Qur’an: Dr. Maurice Bucaille

In a 1987 informal gathering of MDs, educators and community activists in Chicago, Dr. Maurice ...