Why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or ...
Muslims and their countries are to be turned into the dumping grounds for such people’s cultura ...
Muslims believe that the Qur’an was then transmitted to us through numerous persons, both verba ...
Time passes like the clouds. No matter how long man lives in this life, his life is short, as d ...
What one can get from all the above Qur’anic ayahs (verses) is that the Al-Rashad (the Right Gu ...
Out of his kindness and haste, the man did not realize that the cocoon was squeezing the extra ...
This is when one becomes negligent over these divine bounties and blessings and never endeavor ...
As for the first wife, he neglected her, ignored her presence and used not to care about her or ...
Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to ...
These are the ultimate benefits which man must enjoy in order to lead an honorable life. Indeed ...
That space shuttle, with its parts and machines, did not assemble spontaneously; and engines di ...
I am concerned about the abuse of our environment and exploitation of our natural resources. My ...