Arabic Calligraphy: The Essential Islamic Art (P. 1/2)

Arabic calligraphy is the central original Islamic art, which our ancestors mastered. They perf ...


Evolution Debate between Sh. Yasir Qadhi and Usama Hasan

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi refutes Usama Hasan's claim that Adam (as) was born to non-human parents. Ya ...

Faith is Human Nature: What Does This Really Mean?

When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with our ...

Why Is There So Much Injustice in the World?

No human being can claim to be free from weaknesses and shortcomings. This is the reason why we ...

Modern Stress and its Cure from the Qur’an

Stress results from lack of inner peace due to conflicts within us and leads to external distur ...

Arabic Calligraphy: The Essential Islamic Art (P. 2/2)

This is the second and final part of the article on Arabic calligraphy which has reflected the ...

Teaching and Purifying

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) held the most challenging leadership positions in Isla ...

The Prophet’s Mercy towards the Elderly (P. 1/2)

Prophet Muhammad was a pioneer in this field. He taught caring for the elderly irrespective of ...


Who is Allah?

Allah is said to be the “moon god” that Arabs worshiped, and Ka`bah (The Muslims holiest place ...

who is Allah by Iyad Sultan

Living in an Atheistic Society

In this marvelous lecture titled, Living in an Atheistic Society, Dr. Shabir Ally tackles a num ...

Teamwork in Islam: Living in a Muslim Team

Working together has always been important in Islam, and it makes sense, since it is close to i ...

An Icelander’s Journey to Light

I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is tru ...