The Lost Art of Altruism

Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and his bride Esra Polat behaved as true believers when they took their sa ...

The Logic of the Qur’an Led Me to Islam

And the thing that God is calling mankind to in the Qur’an is as the Muslim scholars say is act ...

Influencing the Behavior of Muslim Youth and Their Parents

The behavior of growing children is influenced by many factors that include their parents and o ...

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 1/ 2)

It is a distressing fact that many great crimes have been perpetrated by individuals, groups, a ...

Al-Laith Ibn Sa`d: Imam of the Egyptians

He remained fond of knowledge and had an unmitigated desire to actively and studiously attend c ...

Son of Christian Preachers & Atheist Who Accepted Islam

In this video, you will find a hardcore atheist who realized that he rather die as a believer a ...

God’s Name Al-Hadi (The Guide)

The straight path is a kind of way and God has given man the ability to make his own choices; a ...

Religion and Its Role in Human Life (Part 2 / 2)

Dr. Durant, after a comparatively detailed discussion of atheism of certain people writes that ...

Conversion Story of Jermaine Jackson (Part 2 / 2)

American media is suffering from self-contradictions. Take the example of Hollywood. The status ...

Umar ibn Abdul Aziz: The Rightly Guided Caliph

Umar ibn Abdul Aziz became the Emir (Caliph) by a coincidence of history. When the Omayyad prin ...

Religion and Its Role in Human Life (Part 1 / 2)

A religious man, with firm belief in Allah, and of His munificence, does not find himself in ut ...

Conversion Story of Jermaine Jackson (Part 1 / 2)

Having embraced Islam, I felt as if I were born again. I found in Islam the answers to those qu ...