Sujud (Prostration) and Mental Health

With the advancement of science and technology, and the whirl that existence in the west can be ...

Modern Stress and its Cure from the Qur’an

Stress results from lack of inner peace due to conflicts within us and leads to external distur ...


Step by Step Guide to Prayer

The Prayer is one of the main and most important pillars in Islam. It is a connection between a ...

Allah Is Near to You!

Yes, God is near to us with His knowledge and through His angels. However, His nearness should ...

The Serenity and Happiness of Believers (Part 2/2)

This serenity is a window that Allah opens upon Paradise to the believers among His servants, a ...

The Serenity and Happiness of Believers (Part 1/2)

Serenity flourishes and thrives without any help from money or materialistic resources. You mig ...

Glimpses on the Night Journey

The Night Journey experience, presented in classical accounts of the Prophet's life as a gift f ...

Repentance in a Taxi Trip

The man burst into tears all of a sudden and cried hysterically. He never stopped so I had to s ...


Seeking The Guide

Recently, I found myself to be very lost. And this was alarming because I used to be a person w ...

Prophetic Traditions of Eid

It is recommended for the Muslim to busy himself with Takbeer till the Imam comes for prayer, b ...

Farewell Pilgrimage

Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Pilgrimage

Starting from Makkah on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, the Prophet at midday, on his she-camel, ...

Ramadan Tips

Ramadan Tips for Western Muslims

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is the most blessed month of the year. S ...