When Allah Wills them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, "If Allah Wills ...
What is happening to the Palestinian people represents the worst type of oppression, transgress ...
But when he went to the mosque, he felt a sense that somehow he was immediately displaced from ...
On the contrary, the basis of prophethood is absolute knowledge and faith in the existence of t ...
The first female martyr of Islam was a black slave in pre-Islamic Arabia. As we explore her sto ...
Because of their perception and opinions, both the teacher and the student were unjustly persec ...
At that very moment, I was taught a lesson that I have never forgotten since then. Later on, I ...
One hears of Mahomet’s [Muhammad] beauty: his fine sagacious honest face, brown florid complexi ...
One of these outstanding lessons is to keep one’s promise and fulfil one’s covenant even if it ...
What is courage if it is not daring death when it calls upon the courageous? And who is more da ...
Hajj, one of the five main pillars of Islam, gives a specific and practical example of acts of ...
Our fearless hero set out towards the lion such as wind. He had in his bosom the dignity, faith ...