
Muhammad in the Bible

A prophet like unto Moses. There were hardly any two prophets, who were so much alike as Moses ...

Sister Jasmine’s Journey to Islam

Before I converted to Islam, I knew basically what most of the other people know about Islam, w ...

Fossilization and Iron Content

Iron is preserved undamaged in the body as it fossilized. Human beings need to consume an avera ...

Second Age of Reason

‘The Second Age of Reason’ Balanced with Compassion!

Today Data management has become a big industry. However, the invasion of our brain space with ...

The Earth Disgorges Its Charges

According to geologists' calculations, as the Earth cooled, heavy and dense substances sank to ...


Evolution Debate between Sh. Yasir Qadhi and Usama Hasan

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi refutes Usama Hasan's claim that Adam (as) was born to non-human parents. Ya ...


Significance of Knowing the Narrators of Prophetic Hadith

Among the sciences of Hadith is the study of the Chain of Reporters (the Isnaad). Many Muslim s ...

Who Is Allah?

Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the w ...


How Do We Know the Qur’an is Unchanged?

The revelation of the Qur’an was not an isolated event in time. It was a constant stream of ver ...

Night Prayer Negligence Incurs 13 Losses

The Night Prayer or Qiyam Al-Layl stands for the practice by Muslims as they stand in the night ...


Colonization’s Role on the Political System of the Muslim World

Over the last two centuries the Islamic world has been under another transformation from the We ...

Keeping God in the Heart

Dhikr or remembrance of God is a way of linking the heart with the Divine. It provides with the ...