But what I am positive about is that these three million attendees can serve as a role model fo ...
Pilgrimage is viewed as a particularly meritorious activity. Pilgrimage serves as a penance - ...
Eid has many noble and valuable meanings that make everyone happy. Thus, everyone has his own g ...
This short video gives an interesting account on the difference between agnosticism and atheism ...
The entire universe and everything in it is proof of Allah’s love for all of mankind. He loves ...
Back in the day, I could do anything I wanted. I was very involved in basically the Hollywood s ...
The question of God's existence has preoccupied men's minds for many centuries. Those who belie ...
According to Islam, peace is the rule and war is only an exception. Even in defensive war we ha ...
Determination is the most significant attribute of a believer. Believers never lose their enthu ...
It is well known that the Qur’an is the Book of Allah, the Creator of everything, that was reve ...
Islam teaches that God is All-Powerful, but it does not mean that He does things that contradic ...
Humankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Universe ...