
Earth Enters Sixth Extinction Event in Half-a-Billion Years

The index of extinction risk for five major groups — birds, mammals, amphibians, corals and an ...

Climate Change

Climate Change and Collective Salvation

Our quasi-democracy —rife as it is with voter suppression and mainstream media determination to ...


Muslim Scientists as Building Blocks of Modern Science

When we read the history of Muslim contribution to world civilization, it seems very recent tha ...

Islam and Environmental Ethics (Part 2/2)

The Prophet said that even a tiny unborn that was killed because of human recklessness is going ...

Duality in Creation

There are antimatter equivalents of all the basic particles in the universe. Antimatters posses ...

Islam and Environmental Ethics (Part 1/2)

In order to understand Islamic ethics we have to know that Islam is based on the paradigm of ta ...

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How do you disbelieve in Allah! How with unlimited number of question marks and exclamation mar ...

Reasons to Fear Allah (2/2)

The last element of attaining salvation from the Islamic perspective is having hope in Allah al ...

the word Allah in Arabic calligraphy

Reasons to Fear Allah (1/2)

Imam Al-Ghazali said: “Fear rips away desires and maddens luxuries so that cherished sins becom ...

The Purpose of Creation (Part 2 / 2)

Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God by obeying the divinely revealed laws? This ...

The Purpose of Creation (Part 1 / 2)

Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority among humans who have denied the existe ...

Creation: Why Not in Less Than 6 Days?

In the context of the creation of the universe, the word "day" in the sense of twenty four hour ...