By A. O.
The Religion of Darwinism Is a Pagan Religion

Darwin’s theory is based on certain concepts, one of which is that man was originally an animal that underwent evolution.
A large number of people believe in the religion that Allah revealed. Others believe in false religions that they or their societies created; they worship totems, pray to the sun or expect help from UFOs. Such people are known as pagans. It may be said that the theory of evolution is among the pagan religions in which several gods are worshipped.
The main deity in Darwinism is “coincidence.” No matter what Darwinist work one reads, he will find mention of the power of this idol, its capabilities, experience and foresight because Darwinists believe that the universe and everything in it, animate and inanimate, came into being by chance. The god called “coincidence” is the essence and lifeblood of Darwinism.
What is interesting is that some Darwinists who carry the title of “scientist” speak of the same object of worship and doctrines of this pagan religion. For example, the French zoologist Pierre P. Grassé, himself an avid evolutionist, draws attention to this fact: “Chance becomes a sort of providence, which, under the cover of atheism, is not named but which is secretly worshipped.”1
The same idol is encountered in other pagan religions as well. In Greek, Chinese and Indian religions the emergence of living things is also described with reference to chance occurrences. Ancient Mesopotamian religions worshipped several idols, hoped for help from these piles of stones, and believed they were possessed of great powers.
According to these religions, chance brought living things into existence, for example, the overflowing of a river or some other natural occurrence. The emergence of new organisms and living species according to Darwinism was also dependent on natural phenomena like sudden changes in temperature or high levels of radiation. However, Darwinism’s “coincidence” is different from the other gods; it is one to whom is attributed consciousness and intent!
It turns out that “coincidence” had a purpose; it left nothing to random processes. This idol was so prescient that, starting from the smallest organisms, it brought every living thing on earth into being and planned for its future needs millions of years in advance. It even knows every event that will happen millions of years in the future and can make provision for each without missing a single detail.
To manage this, the god called “coincidence” uses many methods; one of the most important is mutation. Mutation means alterations or changes in the DNA molecule (located in the nucleus of a living cell and carrying genetic information) effected by means of radiation or chemical activity. Mutation usually causes damage that the cell cannot repair.
For example, mongolism, dwarfism, sickle cell anemia, mental and physical impairments as well as cancer are cited as examples of the destructive nature of mutation. Mutation is not something magic that develops beings toward perfection. It is clearly a harmful process that causes death, impairment and illness. This fact is acknowledged by scientists who compare mutation to earthquakes.2
The effects of mutation are always negative; nevertheless, “coincidence” produces orderly and positive results! And it is believed that this god produces beauty, perfect creatures and magnificent order. For example, it can create the 100 trillion cells in a human body without error or deficiency. Whether creating cells like a factory, producing energy, enzymes and hormones, storing information about what it has produced in the information bank of a nucleus, or distributing raw materials and finished products among different departments with a laboratory and refinery system that analyzes everything coming from outside and a membrane that insures the quality of everything that is released, this god never makes a mistake and its plans never go awry.
Examples of the deity’s matchless power are innumerable. For example, coincidence made the life of a living thing dependent on its heart and circulatory system, and in order for the heart to perform its function, created a system of arteries to carry blood to every part of the body; and while it was at it, did not forget a system of veins to carry the blood back to the heart. In the meantime, it added the liver (or gills) to the system to clean carbon dioxide from the blood, and connected the whole system to the heart. It knew that in order to clean the blood of other impurities kidneys were needed and so immediately created them…
This list could be extended. For the life of any creature to continue, a large number of organs must perform their function perfectly and at the same time. If even one of them fails to work properly, the creature dies within a few minutes or, at most, a few days. But according to the claims of the evolutionists, the god, coincidence, is highly conscious and aware, projecting and bringing into existence millions of complete and flawless beings. It also created human beings as the result of a lengthy process. But not being content just to create human beings, it also conceived of every possible thing that they and their progeny for thousands of generations would need. To provide for the needs of coming generations, it created wheat thousands of years earlier; and for the energy needs of succeeding generations, it created oil.
When making the sun a source of energy, it did not neglect to create layers in the atmosphere to protect human beings from its dangerous rays. When designing the human system to breathe, it also created an appropriate atmosphere. It balanced such a system that the life of one living thing is dependent on that of another; the existence of oxygen depending on plants, plants on water, water on the atmospheric heat; all these systems depend on the rotation of the earth which, in turn, depends on the gravitational pull of the heavenly bodies, the distances of the sun and the moon, and thousands of other details. Every creature is nourished by another, and if one becomes extinct, the other is harmed. According to what evolutionists claim, coincidence has such a degree of awareness that is has left out no detail!
Additionally, in the course of time the idol created millions of living species and adorned each with special characteristics. According to evolutionists, this idol is such that it can do anything it desires. If it wants to make an eye, it makes it; if it wants to make an arm, it makes that too. It conceives everything it wants to make and how to make it, obtaining perfect results. Before an eye existed, when there was no such thing as sight, coincidence created two spaces in the skull and inserted two spheres filled with liquid into which light could pass.
Later, it set two lenses in the front of this liquid which could easily refract light and project it onto the back wall of the eye. Still later, so the eye could see the surrounding space, it created the optic muscles. But the eye was still unfinished, so it created a retina at the back to perceive light, with nerves connecting it to the brain, tear glands to protect it from drying, and two eyelids and eyelashes to protect it from dust and other foreign material. So Darwinism’s god formed all these perfect organisms by means of mutation – a process which, under normal circumstances, produces monstrosities, gives rise to defects and diseases, and has no positive effect on living things.
According to evolutionist belief, Darwinism’s deity also has a special concern for the aesthetics of what it creates. Whether animate or inanimate, it takes care that its color, appearance, taste, smell and shape are aesthetically appropriate. When making a fruit or vegetable, it does so with consideration for its taste, smell, shape, its vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, calories and sugar content. It is not satisfied to merely make a strawberry but also provides its appealing smell and attractive shape. And of course, it makes a sense of taste and smell in human beings so they may take pleasure from these sensations. The renowned French zoologist, Pierre-Paul Grassé, says this about the concept:
The opportune appearance of mutations permitting animals and plants to meet their needs seems hard to believe. Yet the Darwinian theory is even more demanding: A single plant, a single animal would require thousands and thousands of lucky, appropriate events. Thus, miracles would become the rule: events with an infinitesimal probability could not fail to occur… There is no law against daydreaming, but science must not indulge in it.3
So the essence of the Darwinist religion is a doctrine which is anti-scientific, anti-intellectual and nonsensical. If human intellect has the capacity to understand that a complex construction cannot form by chance and must be the product of an intelligent plan, then Darwinism is diametrically opposed to human reason. But like the primitive pagans who, contrary to reason, worshiped the idols they made with their own hands, Darwinists, likewise disregarding human reason, adhere to their teachings. The famous molecular biologist, Michael Denton, describes this interesting situation:
To the skeptic the proposition that the genetic programs of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of one thousand volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying, and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist, the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt – the paradigm takes precedence!4
One will conclude that there is a great similarity between the beliefs of Darwinists and those of old pagan cultures. Just as idolaters believed that lifeless idols created, evolutionists and materialists believe that lifeless matter, prompted by random occurrences, created living things, including themselves.
So the religion of Darwinism is founded on an illusion. However, even its founder, Charles Darwin, was aware that complex living things could not have come into being by chance. The perfect order in nature showed him that every existing thing was possessed of a magnificent design. Darwin acknowledged his doubts in these words:
I cannot anyhow be contented to view this wonderful universe, and especially the nature of man… I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws… All these laws may have been expressly designed by an omniscient Creator, who foresaw every future event and consequence. But the more I think, the more bewildered I become.5
I am conscious that I am in an utterly hopeless muddle. I cannot think that the world, as we see it, is the result of chance; and yet I cannot look at each separate thing as the result of Design.6
I could give many most striking and curious illustrations in all [living] classes; so many that I think it cannot be chance.7
1. Evolution of Living Organisms, p. 107.
2. Origins?, p. 7.
3. Evolution of Living Organisms, p. 103.
4. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 351.
5. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 105.
6. Ibid., vol. II, p. 146.
7. Ibid., vol. I, p. 455.
From the book: The Religion of Darwinism.
Courtesy with slight editorial modifications.
A. O. is a Turkish writer and author.